Tom Sherman & Sharyn Haycock were conceived in 1969 and born in 1970 in London Ontario. We both came from your average middle-class families. Growing up in the 70″s there was a natural gravitation to the sex, drugs and rock & roll culture, to live a free life of self indulgence.
We live near London Ontario with our family. We enjoy visiting local churches in our region. Our ministry is non-denominational, but we are accountable to a number of leaders whom we love and respect. We are a team of people, who are crazy in love with Jesus and our mandate is to love everyone where they are at, and point the way to Jesus.
We are involved in numerous motorcycle activities, some of which can be found on our events page. We have been involved in prison ministry at several different correctional facilities. Our team of volunteers also gather and distribute clothing, food, and care packages directly to the homeless on the streets of London.